Admin Console - How to Enable and Disable Forgot Password

Tired of your users bothering you about their forgotten password? Have no fear, File-Assist has you covered by enabling the Forgot Password recovery option. All they will need is access to the email address associated with your account.

To Enable Forgot Password Recovery Option


  1. Login to admin console
  2. Click on the Security tab
  3. Navigate to the Password Management section
  4. Check the box next to Allow Forgot Password recovery option and then navigate to the top or bottom of the page and click Save Security Settings


    Enabling this option will then add a Forgot Password link for your users


  1. When the user clicks on the link they will be redirected to the Account Recovery page.  From here they will need to input their username and email associated with the user.



  1. Once they click Submit, a password reset link will be sent to their email allowing them to login and access their account.


















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