FTP, SFTP, and You

Overview: FTP, SFTP, and You

What does FTP and SFTP have to do with you? Lots! You know those extremely large files that are impossible to upload and email? You can take care of them quickly and easily using FTP or SFTP. Once uploaded to your FileAssist account, you can share the files in an instant with a FileShare™ link, E-Send, or GroupShare™.

What are FTP and SFPT?

FTP is an initialism for File Transfer Protocol. SFTP is an initialism for Secure File Transfer Protocol. As the name suggests, FTP and SFTP are used to transfer files between computers on a network. You can use FTP and SFTP to exchange files between computer accounts, transfer files between an account and a desktop computer, or access online software archives.

In order to use FTP or SFTP, please make sure that you first have a Web Advanced or Corporate account. You will also need to have an FTP client installed on your computer.  One such program is FileZilla. It's free, safe, and stable. Once you have FileZilla installed on your computer, at the top there is a Quickconnect bar.  You use this bar to establish a connection with FileAssist.



FTP Information

  • Host: ftp.file-assist.com
  • Username: (your FileAssist Username)
  • Password: (your FileAssist Password) Please note that passwords are case sensitive.
  • Port: 21

SFTP Information

  • Host: sftp.file-assist.com
  • Username: (your FileAssist Username)
  • Password: (your FileAssist Password) Please note that passwords are case sensitive
  • Port: 22

Need additional directions? Click here for more information about using FileZilla. 


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