
Overview: MetaData

Need a method for running reports on specific sets of data?  MetaData provides a flexible yet structured way to add information to a folder. Files added to the folder then inherit the Metadata definitions. So, just as index cards at a library have reference information on books, MetaData allows you to add relevant references to folders, such as the time and date of creation, creator or author, purpose, etc.

FileAssist embraces MetaData by allowing users to customize MetaData fields based on individual needs.  MetaData can be applied for many business functions and individual uses, including team work tracking and workflow, document management, incident management, feedback loops, enhanced file searching, and file categorization. 

MetaData Usage

MetaData is used in three basic ways:

  • Form/Field Definition- Define your own custom data entry fields and create your own custom data entry form.
  • MetaData Entry Form- Use your MetaData Entry Form to collect information from other people that you grant access to (or you can enter the data yourself).  
  • Online Spreadsheet- Browse, search, and directly edit MetaData records with the FileAssist Online Spreadsheet.   

MetaData, GroupShare, and Version Control

Once you have the defined the MetaData form, you can GroupShare the folder to other FileAssist users or your sub-accounts. These shared users can see the MetaData form and enter data, too, if you give them full or create and update access when adding them to the shared folder. You and your shared users can also use the online spreadsheet to search for MetaData records and enter field data directly. Combined with Version Control and Version History features, MetaData gives you additional tracking and control over the status of files in shared folders.

There is no software to install. All of these features can be used from any popular web browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and on all Windows and Mac computers. To learn more, check out these step-by-step instructions for using MetaData or find out how about MetaData Solutions for Specific Industries.

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