GroupShare Access Permissions

When creating GroupShares the folder owner may denote varying levels of access to more efficiently guide the company's workflow or the user's needs while simultaneously protecting their data. There are six levels of permission which are explained in detail below.


Full Access - Allows users to view, create, update, and delete files in the shared folder.  This provides general access and usability of the folder, though it prevents the folder itself from being shared and the recipient is unable to modify the folder settings.

Create and Update -  Allows users to view, create, and update or edit files in the shared folder. The recipient is unable to download files (modifications are done through the Zoho Editor).

Read Only - Allows users to view files in the shared folder and download the files. Users are unable to upload, edit, or modify the folder or its contents.

Master Access - Grants the users access equivalent to the folder owner's; able to share the folder themselves and modify the folder settings.

Preview Only - Prevents users from downloading any type of the file, though they are able to view them using the FileAssist previewer. 

Upload Only - Only allows users to upload the files. They are unable to preview, download, or edit them.



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