Upload Methods

Overview: FileAssist Upload Methods

Below you'll find a summary of upload types, the security available with each, and when they are most useful.

Standard Upload for Single Files

  • Available with all accounts, including Free, Basic, Advanced, and Corporate.
  • Intuitive Flash interface.
  • Fastest method to upload a single file or several individual files at once.
  • Allows from 1-20 files at a time and up to 500 MB.
  • Uses HTML, so no software or ActiveX required.
  • SSL 128-bit encryption.

Multi-Upload for Folders

Need to upload more than just a few files? Upload an entire folder with the Multi-upload tool! Use the Upload Folders tab to drag and drop the folders you'd like to place in your account. 

Note: You must have Java enabled in order to use the Multi-Upload for Folders.

  • Available with all accounts, including Free, Basic, Advanced, and Corporate.
  • Intuitive Java interface.
  • Upload entire folders or an unlimited number of files, up to 1 GB.
  • Convenient drag-and-drop capability, as well as multiple file/folder selection.
  • Completely cross-platform compatible (Win/Mac/Unix) using any current web browser.
  • SSL 128-bit encryption.

Other Upload Methods



A Microsoft product, the Silverlight method is extremely similar to the Flash method and allows you to select multiple local files for upload to your FileAssist account. 

  • Available with all accounts, including Free, Basic, Advanced, and Corporate.
  • Intuitive Flash interface.
  • Quick  method to upload a single file or several individual files at once.
  • Allows from 1-20 files at a time and up to 500 MB.
  • Uses HTML, no software required.
  • SSL 128-bit encryption.

Classic Upload

Like the traditional way of uploading files? Use the FileAssist Classic Uploader!

  • Available with all accounts, including Free, Basic, Advanced, and Corporate.
  • Intuitive Flash interface.
  • Upload a single file or several individual files at once.
  • Allows from 1-20 files at a time and up to 500 MB.
  • Uses HTML, no software required.
  • SSL 128-bit encryption.

FileAssist File Backup

The FileAssist File Backup software comes free with Advanced and Corporate plans, and can be used to transfer content to your FileAssist account through backup and synchronization jobs. 

  • Repeats incrementally (only backs up/syncs changed files).
  • Allows for job scheduling.
  • Great for large number of files and/or folders.
  • Restore option to download files from backup.
  • Version time stamps and compression option 
  • SSL 128-bit encryption and optional Blowfish encryption prior to transfer.

Direct Web Folder Access (Mapped Drive)

Get direct access to remote files by creating a web folder mapped to FileAssist account. This allows you to drag/drop or copy/paste files into the directory. To map a drive, follow these step-by-step instructions

  • Available only with Advanced and Corporate plans.
  • Useful for drag/drop, copy/paste, and editing directly to your FileAssist account from your local drive.
  • SSL 128-bit encryption.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP/SFTP)

Use any FTP/SFTP software to transfer large files directly to your account. Note that FTP is not encrypted, while SFTP is the secure method. More information is available in our FTP/SFTP Overview.

  • Available only with Advanced and Corporate plans.

Important Information About Uploads

  • Though it depends upon your Internet connection, uploads typically take longer than downloads to complete. Uploads that take a long time to complete may trigger timeouts. Once the file transfer is interrupted, it cannot be resumed but must be restarted. For this reason, we suggest large files are uploaded through methods such as FTP/SFTP to minimize interruptions.
  • If you wish to interrupt a file transfer, you may do so by clicking the refresh button in your browser or the F5 key. Close your browser if you need to be certain that the upload was completely canceled.
  • If an upload depletes all remaining drive space, then downloads will cease to function until files are removed to bring the plan back within the storage limits or the plan is upgraded.


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