File Lifecycle

Step-by-Step Instructions: File Lifecycle

Need a way to do a little spring cleaning inside your FileAssist account?  No problem!  With this feature, you can automate the task of deleting older files and folders.  With File Lifecycle feature, you can set rules regarding the expiration and automatic deletion of files and sub-folders by designating a retention time period.

Let's Get Started:

After Logging into your FileAssist account you may access File Lifecycle in one of two ways:

1. Right click the folder for which you wish to define a File Lifecycle, highlight Properties, and then click Advance Properties. When the Folder properties screen appears, click the File Lifecycle tab. 




2. You may click the tools tab located at the top, when the Account Tools screen appears, select the Manage File Lifecycle button.

3. The File Lifecycle Management screen will appear. From here you can set rules to allow content to be deleted depending on the criteria you select. If this is the first time to assign a File Lifecycle, you must begin by adding a rule. Options are discussed below.

Adding a Rule

To add a rule, click the "add" button adjust the settings below and then click save.

Caution: Files and folders governed by File Lifecycle rules will be permanently deleted. 

  • Lifecycle Rule Name - You can name the rule something easy to remember.
  • Folder Path - This is the folder path that will be affected by this rule.
  • Delete empty Subfolders - If you want to keep empty sub-folders, leave this unchecked.
  • Retention Time Period - This is how long you want to keep the files/sub-folders in question.
  • File Names to Include - Just like in a search box, put in the criteria you wish to include in the purge.  For instance, if you wanted to erase all document files that are left in the folder after a week, then you'd do a search for "*.doc" (All matching files within the selected folder and in subfolders will be deleted.)
  • Additional Recipients - If you'd like to send the notification emails to other addresses, this is where you would add them and separate them with a comma (,).
  • Enable this Rule - Leave this checked if you want the rule enabled.  Otherwise, you can disable the rule by un-checking this option.
  • Email Report - This will send an email notification of the purged files/folders to the email address on file associated with the account.


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