Accessing FileReceive Folders and Files

Step-by-Step Instructions: Accessing FileReceive Folders and Files

Did you receive notification that you've received files in your FileReceive Folder? Great! Accessing your FileReceive Folders and Files is so easy, you won't want to receive files any other way. You might also be interested in more information on:

Let's Get Started:

1. Login to your FileAssist account.

Note: If you are already logged into your account, you may need to refresh the page in order to see new files uploaded to your FileReceive Folder.

2. Depending on the settings you chose for your FileReceive Folder, you may access your files one of two ways:

a. If you chose to create subfolders for each sender, select the folder associated with the sender.


b. If you did not choose to create subfolders for each sender, documents shared with FileReceive Links will appear under the folder you designated.


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