How to report bugs/errors with FilesAssist

How to report bugs

If you are encountering a bug on FileAssist, be it on a mobile app or the website, please let us know!

Steps to follow in reporting a bug:

  1. Submit an email to and include a short description of the bug in the title.  Start the title with "BUG: "
    I.E. "Bug: Error on send link section of FileShare"
  2. If possible, reproduce the steps you took to encounter the error, include pictures or video of this.
    Use a recording software,

    Snipping Tool [screen shots] (standard on Windows OS)
    Community Clips [video]

    Grab [screen shots] (standard on Mac OS)
    Quicktime [video] (standard on Mac OS)
  3. Write down the steps you took and cite the time on the video (if possible), or the screen shots related to the steps.
    I.E. Clicked on "Send Link" (01:34) or Clicked on the "Create FileShare Link" button (button.jpg attached)
  4. Provide the browser/app & version along with the Operating System used.
    I.E. Internet Explorer 10, Windows 7 OR FilePad, iPad 2, version 5.1.1

Remember, the more information you provide us, the quicker we will be able to resolve the error you have encountered. If we need any additional information, we will reply back to the support ticket your email generates.

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