How to Import Email Contacts

Instead of manually typing in all of the recipients' email addresses you can import your contacts list from your email. You must export your contacts list before you begin this process so that you have the file to import into your FileAssist account. 

Log in to your account and click Tools.


Now click Manage Contacts.


Then, on the right hand side, click the down arrow on the More button and click Import.


A window will pop up asking which email you would like to import from. 


Gmail, Yahoo!, Windows Live Hotmail, and Microsoft Outlook are the only email clients that you can import. Once you've made your selection upload select the file you want to upload.


Once you've uploaded the file it will display your contacts to review. You can add the selected contacts to a specific team, update duplicates contacts with the newer information, allow team users to view the contact, and allow team users to edit the contact. 


Click Import Contacts and you're done.


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