New Look: What Your FileShare Links Look Like

FileShare links are one of FileAssist's most used features.  The question is, have you ever wondered what FileShare looks like to your recipients? 



1. Shared By: Shows who the FileShare was sent by. (This can be disabled in settings)

2. Navigation:  Allows the recipient to navigate different folders within the FileShare 

3. Search: Here you can search for specific files and folders within the FileShare.

4. Name: The name of the files and folder.

5. Modified: The Last time the file or folder was changed.

6. Type: The type of file being saved.  (See Supported file types)

7. Size: Displays the size of the files in the list.

8. Download and Preview: This column allows quick access to download  Or Preview  Individual files and folders.

9. Download all Files: This will download all the Files and Folders contained within the FileShare

10. Preview all Files:  Allows the preview of all files within the FileShare


Note: Learn How to send a FileShare Link Here!




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